Nuno Calçada Bastos is a Portuguese creative professional whose career as a photographer and event producer is deeply embedded in the vibrant cultural landscape of Macau. Having lived in Macau for decades, Nuno has captured the city’s people, stories, and historical moments of transformation from a unique perspective, enhanced by his fluency in five languages, including Cantonese.

Nuno began his career in the 1990s as a graphic designer and photojournalist, featuring his work in Portuguese-language newspapers and exhibitions at local galleries. His photographs tell intimate stories of daily life during a significant change for Macau.

In the 2000s, Nuno’s career transitioned to event production while developing a personal portfolio focused on street photography. This website presents some of Nuno's photography, showing his passion for storytelling and his ability to capture life’s candid, meaningful moments.

白思道 是一位葡萄牙創意專業人士,他以攝影師和活動製作人的身份深深扎根於澳門充滿活力的文化景觀中。白思道 在澳門生活了數十年,他透過獨特的視角捕捉了這座城市的人物、故事以及歷史變遷的重要時刻,其視野更因他流利掌握包括粵語在內的五種語言而得以提升。

白思道 在 1990 年代初期開始他的職業生涯,擔任平面設計師和新聞攝影師,他的作品曾刊登於葡文報章,並在當地畫廊舉辦展覽。他的攝影作品講述了澳門在重大轉變時期中日常生活的親密故事。

進入 2000 年代,白思道 的事業轉向活動製作,同時發展以街頭攝影為焦點的個人作品集。本網站呈現了 Nuno 一部分的攝影作品,展現了他對敘事的熱情以及捕捉生活中真實且富有意義瞬間的能力。